Boosting upsales with Sharebox and Fleetback
A year and a half after Bavaria Arendal started using Sharebox for checking cars in and out, they are seeing positive results across the entire value chain.
12. August 2024 by Kjetil Faye Lund
Your customers have their habits, but those old habits may not be good for your business. If Henry Ford had asked what people wanted, we would have had faster horses. This is why you need to change your ways and routines to improve and simplify the ...
4. June 2024 by Kjetil Faye Lund
What your rental car business really offers is freedom – freedom from stressful train schedules, uncomfortable bus journeys, and extended waiting times. Renting a car means the freedom to choose one's own pace and maybe even enjoy a premium model ...
21. May 2024 by Morten Hanssen
Let me guess: You are looking for a tangible outcome of transforming business processes and going digital? You need look no further than Sharebox - the super easy self-service solution for the car rental business. I’ll show you why.
2. April 2024 by Kjetil Faye Lund
Need quick answers about Sharebox? Dive into our FAQ where we tackle everything from super easy exchanges to our innovative payment solutions. Frequently asked questions Ordering and Customization Is it possible to customize the Sharebox? As a ...
Sharebox is a technology platform that brings everything automotive and mobility companies need to deliver a best-in-class customer experience into one place.
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